6 short weeks ago our lives exploded! Literally turned upside down and sideways!
Long story.
Last fall I advertised the mobile shop and remaining inventory for sale. Loads of interest, but no firm offers. 6 weeks ago, I advertised again, and … everything sold. Gone! Very exciting times for me, no regret. It was time. The best part for me is that it’s gone to an amazing new person who I know will love and use it and make it even more.
14 days before that we had decided to list our home for sale. Within the same 24 hour period of selling the mobile shop, we had a viewing of our home and an offer. And, poof! Just like that, the house was sold!
Well, not quite just like that. We had a whole 40 days until closing. 40 days to deliver the mobile shop to its new owner, 40 days to pack and move all of our possessions to storage containers (and of course purchase the containers and get them in place), 40 days to purchase an RV trailer so that we would have somewhere to live temporarily, 40 days. And 40 nights!

The whirlwind began, but we made it happen somehow. Goodbye, house. Goodbye, precious gardens. Goodbye, mobile shop.
We’re currently at a lovely airbnb until mid-May and hopefully by then it will be a bit warmer to be in the RV trailer. The trailer is in place on the part of our lot that is lakeshore so that should be lovely for the summer months. All of the endless permits are coming together for our new house. Another new build. Another! We’re crazy. Completely.
The Freshisle Fibers online shop is closed. At least for now. I’m not sure if I’ll sell again or do markets. Not for the near future. But, then, maybe ??? For now, building a new home is the priority. Onwards and upwards!