A year ago about this time, I had a bright idea. I have these brain waves. Problem is sometimes I act on them and get myself into big projects.
I was looking online at all the beautiful poppy projects that various groups around the world had done for the 100th anniversary of the end of World War 1 and thought ‘we could do that!’. It wouldn’t be for the 100th anniversary, but it would still be a wonderful project for our small community and local Royal Canadian Legion branch. And so it began.
Permission was granted by the local Legion, posters created, newspaper ads purchased, word of mouth promotion, patterns printed, yarn purchased … We met on the 11th of every month starting in January 2019 and by November 2019, we had created 1200 knit and crocheted poppies. 1200.

On Monday, our completed and decorated arch was placed beside our Legion Memorial and enjoyed by all. It was stunning. So red. Such a tribute.
My maternal grandfather fought in World War 1. We were always in awe that he had volunteered. He was injured and still had a piece of shrapnel in his chest that we could actually feel. I remember being totally freaked out when he told us about urinating on his handkerchief and then holding it to his face to block the mustard gas. Little children love to be grossed out!! He was a wonderful grandpa.