Everyone says they are busy.  Busy lives.  The nature of today’s society.  But, I’ve had a bit of a reprieve from that since retiring from teaching and suddenly, my life is busy again.  Super busy. We are moving.  In 5 short weeks.  Very short.  Some days I feel overwhelmed andContinue Reading

I’ve tried and tried, used various conversion programs and services and can’t seem to make the transfer from my old Typepad blog to here, the new WordPress blog.  I give up. I can keep the old blog and link it here so that’s my solution. The old Freshisle Fibers blogContinue Reading

My new site is up and working, orders are working like a charm! Now, the next step. Moving my typepad blog over to this new site. I don’t want to lose all those years of posts and images so I’m hoping the move goes smoothly. Onto the next step!Continue Reading

Slowly working on the new web site.  It’s up.  It’s there.  Now to add all the yarn products back in to the new shop!  New pictures, new descriptions, new, new, new.  Lots of changes ahead.Continue Reading