Where did that summer go!? Poof! Gone, so quickly. It’s the last day of August! Maybe it’s age, maybe it’s covid, maybe it’s just me, but time just seems to fly by.
It’s been a wonderful summer. The garden has been so abundant this year. Just the right amount of rain, sunshine, and heat to create so much wonder. I’ve been a canning machine! And, it continues. Pickles, relishes, beets, carrots, beans, and some jellies and apples are done. Tomatoes, more beets, pumpkin, squash, potatoes, and more apples are still ahead.
I planted watermelon, honeydew melons, and cantaloupes this year. Just a few to see how it went. We have a melon explosion! More than we can possibly eat. Even with sharing with friends and neighbours, there’s just too many. Definitely a first world problem!

But, then I discovered a recipe for cantaloupe jam. So with nothing to lose except a little time, I gave it a go. It’s crazy good.
Very different flavour, very much a cantaloupe flavour, and perfect on a toasted English muffin!

In between gardening and canning, we’ve been swimming. Lots and lots of swimming. Dusty’s favourite summer activity is to go to the lake and swim. He turned 11 this summer and although some days are quieter than others and he plays out a little sooner, he’s still ready to swim. Endlessly!